Travel Part 1 : Jogjakarta, Central Java Island

Hi kengkawan ! Its been a while since my very last update ne! Update kali ni sikit je sbb ak da sgt mengantuk ni~ anyway parents ak dtg, so ak online kat hotel jeh ni, boleh plak floor ak xde WiFi..jadi ak dgn gagahnye bwk laptop yg berselirat ngan wire tu turun ke 2nd floor..

Okay okay meh tgk pics ak ms travel g Jogjakarta ritu. Ce teke, bape lme kitorang nek bus? 12jam ye kwn-kwn. 12 jam. bknlah highway tp bukit putus yg ala2 semban-pilah tu tp lg maha hebat sebanyak 5kali gande! spnjang perjalanan tu ak lah yg plg beriman skali sbb berzikir tnpe henti! tkt muntah beb! x cool la kalo muntah haha! nyway heres some info bout the trip.

date : 6may - 9may 09
travel agency : Alfa Gemilang, Rp 475 000 per person
places visited : candi borobodur, candi prambanan, parangkritis beach,
pasar malioboro, some other tourist attraction yg ak dah lupe name die.
hotel : rubra graha (sizen tp besh la sbb ade mini zoo)
weather : very hot & humid (xcam bandung, west java so agak sejukla)
comment : besh, barang murah esp kat area candi. candi pon sgt amazing, ak kagum!

in front of runtuhan candi prambanan bcuz of earth quake in 06

me in front of one of the candi
me and my childhood best friend, hanani

amazing view of candi prambanan

the stupas of candi borobodur

kitorang pon nk bertape gak! haha

on top of candi borobodur
Tu je kot gmbar yang agak sesuai untuk tontonan umum haha ak akn post lg satu entry tok gmba kat Parangkritis Beach & Mini Zoo ye~ Nyway kalo ade mase, korang dtglah Jogjakarta! For those yang sgt suke tgk scenery tu korng akn rse truje! Candi Borobodur pernah listed as one of the 7wonders of the world. So xrugilah korang dtg sni >.Okay c uuuu !

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