Note : Aku tak blurkan nama siapa-siapa. I just don't think its necessary to do so. Anyway, please read this with open heart & mind.
2 days ago I received this msg in my inbox. FYI, I never know this person, never message her at the first place & she's not in my list.
Shocking huh? from the way she wrote, we can predict that, she's actually replying to an earlier msg that was sent to her. I believe it was a provocating msg. But what I dont understand is, why on earth does she texted me when I never text her at the first place? One answer : the fakers. I believe this satanic faker texted her at the first place & remain silent afterwards. When this poor girl got no reply, she apt to search for my name. Unfortunately, she found the REAL me & wrongly ambush me. Oh no! video killed the radio star!
I tried to make things crystal clear but this poor girl seems not to believe in my words. So the best way I can think of, is to make things public. Yeah I know, you got me fakers, you can jump around happily now. Boo me boo me! But to tell you what, you are nothing but a dreadful rubbish. You affect me nothing. And just so you know that, I dont give a damn about you bitching around because you are not up to my level. Pathetic.
A little reminder, I wont act like you if I were you ;). Don't you feel sorry to yourself? First, you dont even bear to use your own name. Second, you stole my pictures & claimed they were yours. Third, you made up stories just to bring me down. Oww is that how you live your life? Poor girl..I wish I could help you :) Mom always says to me, 'biar muka tak cantik asal hati baik'. Did your mom ever tell you the same thing too, no?
Its okay :) Maybe you have a delirium that you ALMOST forget that ALLAH knows everything, right? Oh ya ! I just got you something. I hope you'll love it :)
Ibnu Abbas menceritakan :
"Nabi SAW berjalan melalui sebuah kebun di Madinah atau di Mekah. Lalu kedengaran oleh baginda suara dua orang sedang disiksa dalam kuburnya.
Maka bersabda Rasulullah SAW :”Keduanya disiksa bukanlah kerana dosa besar.” Kemudian baginda melanjutkan perkataannya,:”Yang seorang disiksa kerana kencing di tempat terbuka) dan yang seorang lagi kerana membuat fitnah supaya orang bermusuh-musuhan.”
Sesudah itu baginda menyuruh supaya mengambil pelepah tamar lalu dipatah dua oleh baginda dan diletakkan di atas kedua kubur itu masing-masing satu pelepah.
Seseorang pun bertanya:”Ya Rasulullah! Mengapa kamu lakukan seperti itu?”
Jawab baginda “Mudah-mudahan kedua-duanya mendapat keringanan selama pelepah tamar itu tidak kering.” (Bukhari)
Mengumpat dan memfitnah adalah perbuatan yang sangat dilarang dalam Islam kerana kedua duanya boleh memusnahkan hubungan silaturrahim dan sekali gus merosakkan keharmonian kehidupan bermasyarakat. Maka bertepatanlah dengan ayat 191 surah al-Baqarah;
والفتنة أشد من القتل
Bermaksud: Dan (ingatlah bahawa angkara) fitnah itu lebih besar bahayanya dari daripada membunuh.p/s : siti, im sorry over what has happen. kesian you kene punk'd dengan loser ni. harap sgt u dah faham situation sekarang. hangat weyh hangat !! haha
Thank you for reading this entry !